Monday, April 27, 2009
Taking product right to the customer
The Ferry Farm Stand will soon open every Wednesday eve at the Bainbridge Island ferry terminal, offering Seattle commuters a variety of locally grown produce in convenient USD 5 bags. Read more about it on Springwise....
Friday, April 24, 2009
Images of Lancaster County - home of the 2010 convention
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What could I possibly post on my blog or twitter that people would find interesting?
Twitter allows you in 140 characters or less to let your followers know what you find interesting or what you think might be of value to then.
Instead of asking "Who cares what I am doing?"
Ask yourself, "what do my followers want to know?"
The article in the link below tells how a bakery is using twitter. The bakery alerts customers via twitter as to when fresh bread is available.
Hum, can farm direct marketers do this? How many of you have bakeries, fresh produce or products? Are you on your way to the farmers' market? What are you picking this morning? What tastes great today?
Twitter it!
I see the blog as another great way to educate your customers, to let them know what products will be available and to build a relationship with you.
Make sure you promote it!
Share pictures of your beautiful landscape. Show your customers where their food is produced.
The strength of farm direct marketing is the relationship with the farmer. Tell your readers about you, your family and your team. It will build trust.
- recipes.
- photos from the farmer's market.
- fun and not so fun things that happen on the farm.
- an employee's history
- live pictures from the market. Use your phone and download it right away.
- links to things you find interesting.
- videos. Show yourselves setting up and getting ready to go to market
- money saving recipes.
- "how-to cook" video. You'd be surprised how many people don't know how to do very basic things. I heard that the Food Bank sometimes gets back 1-pound packages of hamburger because people don't know how to make a hamburger!!!! They's seen them in patties but never in the raw form. Show them how to make hamburgers.
- how to use a crock-pot, roast peppers on the BBQ...
- link to articles that are written about you.
- information from the courses you attend.....
you'd be surprised.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Celebrating excellent school tours on the farm
Winner of NAFDMA's Celebrate Excellence School Tours award.

What does a school tour encompass? Garden Tour; 2 stationary lessons lead by College students; Outdoor Classroom with licensed teachers; Hayride to patch w/pumpkin picking; Maze w/ Q & A sheets; Playground (slides, trikes, mystic walk, corn box etc.) mini mazes; Reserved Picnic tent w/tables for each group; (we can seat about 1150 at a time); teacher packet; current years curriculum; and the list goes on and on.
What component of your school tours are you most proud of? The grade level specific curriculum, that changes each year and meets standards for 2 different states.

Steve designed and built these out of old cotton trailers. We got out of the cotton business many moons ago, and like any other farmer, couldn't let anything go to waste. The goal was a trailer that was safe above everything else. Steel floors with gritted floor paint, shade from the desert sun and an entry and exit system that couldn't be activated from inside the trailer.

On another note,it's tough keeping up with the 2500 acre vegetable farm that Steve has which is the basis for our operation, I run the Maze as a completely seperate business entity. Between the activities at the maze and fall harvest on the farm, scheduling real family time during my season can be a bit tricky!
How long have you been using on-line registration? We have been using a combination of online & phone reservations for about 5 years. Online has been a boon as far as time managment goes. In most cases, a teacher will have her confirmation waiting when she gets back to the classroom the next day, but for days that are tightly scheduled or near the end of the season, I sometimes just pick up the phone and call them back.
Any words of advice? Make your school tour as "self-guided" as possible. Don't ever schedule the boss, whoever that is, to teach or give hayrides; youv'e got to be available to put out fires and glad hand with teachers...after all, they're the ones who made the decision to come and visit your farm.
I see you your website that you are New Mexico's Ag Educator of the year. Wow! Congratulations! Can you tell us a little more about this? New Mexico's Ag in the Classroom Program recognizes one teacher each year who exemplifies ag based education. I was chosen because of the quality of our program and the ability we have to impact such large numbers of students. (over 175,000 since 1999)
How long have you been a NAFDMA member? We joined NAFDMA and attended our first conference in 2003. The New Mexico Department of Agriculutre hired Jane Eckert to come out and visit 6 different farms in our state. What she shared with us was so eye-opening; who would have thought that there was an organization dedicated to what we do? NAFDMA has been a blessing for us.

How has NAFDMA helped your business? We didn't know what to expect @ that first conference, but North Carolina was amazing! I literally saw the light go on over my husbands head...he finally understood the vision that I had. The bus tour, comraderie and conference truly changed the direction of my life.
Thank you Anna & congratulations!