The Kuipers were recognized for both their printed brochure and specialty printed literature. Congratulations!!
1. What has been your biggest challenge when developing brochures?
We seemed to be faced with the same problem when it came to our brochures as we had for newspapers and other printed ads......how to tell them what we have without the "listing" I see occur so often.

2. Do you use a professional design company? At what stage in your business did you hire a professional?
Back in about our third season we did contract with a professional advertising agency that did teach me the importance of branding our farm and making sure that everything we put out there from signs on the farm to printed materials all had the same basic look, a guideline I diligently follow today.

3. Do you have any advice for those thinking of hiring out their designing process?
It's really important to concentrate on the tasks you're good at and to know when your over your head with something and you need to hire it done! In the struggle to save a buck on things I'm sure there are many times we've ended-up spending more doing it ourselves...and then usually redoing it it seems. Working with a graphic designer can be very cost effective in the overall picture!
Frankly we seldom use our brochures nowadays. They seem to get sent out here and there and are distributed a nearby town's tourist info program.

Our first NAFDMA experience was Boston (2005) and we've been hooked ever since!
Networking, new ideas, the opportunity to learn, encouragement, laughs, exploring new places, and fun! We think the bus tour is a must if you can only do one aspect of the convention.
Seriously the information you come away with is invaluable! Especially the first couple years you attend, you have to whittle down your list of new ideas to something a bit more realistic to tackle in the upcoming year.
Thank you Wade and Kim! We hope to see you in Lancaster in February 2010.