Mark Saunders, president of NAFDMA started a facebook page for his business this year.
Mark shared with us how social marketing has impacted Saunders Farm . . .
"Facebook and other social media sites have become very important for our business. We need to connect with our customers every way we can.
Facebook is a way we connect and build our community.
We used to hear that you needed a website for your business; now you need a social media presence i.e. twitter, facebook, youtube, flickr to get your message out there and to let your customers share their experience of your farm.
Having a presence on Facebook and other sites has helped with our SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and how high your website ranks in searches. "
Mark Saunders is the Director of Fun at Saunders Farm in Munster, Ontario. You can follow him on twitter at http://twitter.com/directoroffun
or visit his farm at http://www.saundersfarm.com/
Mark will be in Lancaster in February at the 2010 NAFDMA convention. Will you?