Six years ago the membership of North America’s only international farm direct marketing association decided it needed a new kind of learning opportunity. The membership wanted an chance to dig-deeper and visit a leading farm-direct operation – IN SEASON!
How crazy of an idea is that? Who in their right mind would invite 50-60 of their peers into their operation (at perhaps one of their busiest times); to share how their business operates? NAFDMA members would. Why? Because that’s how they roll.
The 2011 ALR is taking place at Roba Family Farms in Dalton Pennsylvania October 31-November 1st, during the Roba’s hugely successful Fall Fun on the Farm event.

Roba Family Farms grow pumpkins, Christmas Trees and family fun on 2 farm locations. They are open to the public 8 weeks each autumn. They greeted over 70,000 guests in 2010 during their fall season. Then they open for 4 weeks in December to sell Christmas Trees. Keep in mind that you will learn how to be a successful entertainment farm regardless of your agricultural product (John and Sue have chosen Christmas trees and pumpkins).
Do you still need a few more reasons to attend? Specific educational programming will include:
1. nuts and bolts of fall entertainment
2. adding a harvest barn
3. campfires as an event
4. school tour logistics
5. corn maze ins and outs
6. animal attractions
7. foodservice on the farm (feeding the masses)
8. creating traffic flow through the farm
9. controlling security issues
10. developing cash handling systems
11. employee management tips and techniques
12. managing new building projects
The Advance Learning Retreat is for farm direct marketers and ag tourism operators who:
13. craving connections
14. desire small group learning
15. want no question unanswered
16. fancy visiting a business in operation
17. grow Christmas trees
18. are looking for a way to extend their season
19. would like their ag tourism business to be more successful
20. are ready to change the way they think
NAFDMA makes it easy for you. One price covers everything. You just need to get to Scranton, Pennsylvania.
It’s time you spread your net; learn and share amongst your peers in a small group atmosphere; move your business forward.
The last word on the subject goes to Sue Roba. “I’m so excited about hosting this year's event! I am excited about having my NAFDMA friends come to our farm and see it up and operating. Hopefully I will be able to teach or show them something new. There is nothing like seeing and operation while it is open.We will show you first hand how we: handle people flow on our busiest day (and on a slow day); handle cash flow; food operations; our pumpkin corral vs. pick your own in the field; farm animals; pig races and much more. There will be something for everyone to learn!!! See you in the fall.”
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