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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

NAFDMA Convention speaker post session info on his blog

Get started on the conference NOW!

HUGH MCPHERSON session at this year's convention is entitled, A goal without a plan is a wish.

For those of you that have met Hugh you can attest to the fact that he isn't a boring speaker. He is in fact an amazing communicator.

As communicator's go, he's also quick to pick up on the latest technology. Hugh has created a blog to accompany his session.

"We have invested in two tools in making sure the presentation applies to you. The
Session blog is a place for you to interact with the information, questions, and other readers answers. The Handouts & Homework are posted RIGHT NOW so you don't have to wait for the conference

Visit Hugh's Session Blog at
http:/ / /goalwithoutaplan

He also recommends downloading the Handout & Homework , completing the homework questions and then post your answers back to the Blog to get the discussion going.

Goal-setting is pivotal to every operation.

"I think this topic was chosen for a session because we all want to get better at bringing our ideas to fruition. With your help, this can be a great opportunity for you to leave armed with useful tools. I promise," shares Hugh. "I will check and respond to comments and postings on the blog site. I will also use your feedback to finalize the presentation itself, thus tailoring it specifically for you. And, I do hereby and solemnly swear to not be boring:-) "

Don't forget, there is still time to register!