Tuesday, November 23, 2010
NAFDMA’s Annual Workshops take Farm Direct Marketing and Agritourism to the Next Level
Attendees can choose from one of six full day workshops, or mix and match half day workshops. Workshops can be attended as part of an inclusive registration package, or a one day only attendance. Registration includes breakfast and lunch as well as materials specific to the chosen workshop. Morning and full day workshops begin at 9:00 a.m., and break for lunch at noon. Full-day workshops restart and afternoon workshops begin at 1:30 p.m., all workshops end at 4:30 p.m.
Customers are increasingly knowledgeable about what they want from farm visits. Learning what it takes to be competitive in today’s marketplace and understanding where trends will go in the future is essential for farm direct marketers. Whether the subject matter is new to the farm operation, or builds on what is already being done, the line-up of topics and speakers on NAFDMA’s 2011 Education Day will help take businesses to the next level.
Workshop presentations include food marketing expert, Dr. Richard George who will present a workshop on connecting with today’s customers. John Stanley of Australia, a NAFDMA Convention favorite and expert in retail design, will be returning this year to help farm market owners meet the challenges in the industry. Brad Montgomery’s workshop “Laugh-O-Nomics”, will focus on how levity in the workplace can make a business more effective and productive, thus increasing the bottom line.
Lovoni Walker, host of the popular national Canadian food show ‘Simple, Fresh, Delicious’ will present two half day workshops. In the morning, she will equip attendees with the necessary tools and resources to set up and run a cooking school on the farm. She will conduct a cooking class in the afternoon. See the practical tips and techniques for holding successful cooking classes as Lovoni puts it all into practice as she demonstrates with limited equipment just how easily it can be done.
For those agritourism operators who offer parties on the farm, Frank W. Price, founder of Birthday University will present information on today’s party consumer and what they really want. Those in this workshop will get specific tools to evolve their party concept, become unique and capable of mass customizing. Franks approach is to teach a simplified, low cost party marketing strategy, add simple yet great service and give a little extra at the party table.
The slate of workshops is rounded out by speakers from inside the industry to expose conference goers to new ideas while maintaining relevance to their operations. The additional workshops feature a workshop designed for folks who want to start up an agritourism destination, one to cover the most important topics when considering adding or expanding a bakery or food service and everything one needs to know about adding a small scale apple orchard to diversify an agritourism operation.
Full details on all the workshops and their featured speakers can be found on the NAFDMA convention website at www.nafdma.com/NAFDMA2011.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Annual NAFDMA “School on Wheels” Networking Bus Tour
Past attendees of the NAFDMA bus tours know that the networking, sharing of ideas and

There will be many stops packed into the three day tour. Many of the farms and markets that will be showcased are owned by longtime NAFDMA members. There are two different tour options, Farm Direct Marketing and Agritourism. While both tours will visit some of the same stops, the focus will be different when the bus arrives to visit.
Farm Direct Marketing Tour
The Farm Direct Marketing Tour will focus on the retail side of the businesses on tour. Highlights of this tour include the new retail store at Richardson Farms in Old Marsh, Maryland, the farm market and new build planned at Hollabaugh Brothers Fruit Farm in Biglerville, Pennsylvania and the farm market at Linvilla Orchards in Media, Pennsylvania. Tour goers will learn how the owners of these locations decided that it was time for expansion and how they met the challenges along the way. Additional stops on this tour focus on knowing your customers and how to structure a farm market to meet their needs.
Agritourism Tour
The Agritourism Tour will focus on activities and events on the farm. The stops on this tour know that customers are looking for family entertainment that offers a good value for their money. These farms are capitalizing on the up surge of this industry. There are innovative new ideas and agritourism standards to learn from on this tour. Three of the numerous stops on this tour are Crumland Farms in Frederick, Maryland, Weber's Cider Mill Farm in Parkville, Maryland and Shady Brook Farm in Yardley, Pennsylvania.
For both options, tour goers will have the chance to see historic sites in the region. The overnight hotel in Philadelphia is across the street from Reading Terminal Market and a short distance from the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Time will be allowed to visit these well-known locations. The tours will also drive through the battlefields of Gettysburg on day one of the tours. A complete list of tour stops for each tour option will be available on the NAFDMA Convention website at www.nafdma.com/NAFDMA2011.
Friday, August 27, 2010
At the Annual NAFDMA Convention,There’s Still a Whole Lot More to Learn!

"This region is a hotbed for customer trends. It forecasts what will be seen across the continent," says Charlie Touchette, NAFDMA's Executive Director. "It's amazing how consumer sensitivity has shifted over the past 5 years. We'll put a spotlight on the wants and needs of customers in today's culture and economy. Convention attendees will come away with a better handle on how to hold the attention of customers back home.''
There is Still a Whole Lot More to Learn is the theme of the 2011 NAFDMA Convention. The bus tour returns to the Mid-Atlantic region where the farm markets and agritourism operations of many long-time NAFDMA members will be showcased. The workshops and sessions will provide the attendees with the tools and information they need to move to the next steps in their businesses. Complete Convention information will be available at www.nafdma.com/NAFDMA2011
The Networking Bus Tour will be held on Feb. 5-7 and offer two different bus tour options. Option One is the farm direct marketing tour. The buses on this tour will visit several farm market stops. The brand new post and beam style market building at Richardson Farms will be a highlight of this tour. Option Two is the agritourism tour. Linvilla Orchards will be just one of the stops on this tour option. For both options, the tour will begin in Baltimore and overnight for two nights in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Tour goers will have the chance to visit the historic sights of the city and learn farm direct marketing ideas from the famous Reading Terminal Market. A complete list of tour stops for each tour option will be available on the web site.
The featured workshop presenters will return on Thurs. Feb. 10 along with nearly forty additional presenters for Innovation Day. This year’s conference will feature seven tracks, including U-Pick, Food Service on the Farm, and Family Dynamics. The Technology track will offer sessions on the social media options available for marketing your business in today’s world.Trade ShowAs many as 90 trade show booths will promote the latest products and services available to farm direct marketers and agritourism operators. Exhibitors will also have the opportunity to showcase their products in a 30 minute live demonstration. Vendor applications will be accepted starting on Sept. 15. The complete trade show vendor packet will be on the web site. The Trade Show will be open Feb. 7-9.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Learnings from the North American Farmer’s Direct Marketing Association

Activities don’t need to be complicated or cost a lot of money. You can make a big bang with something as simple as a slide. Kids and adults alike love a giant slide!

Put wheels on your bins. It makes moving produce into the cooler that much easier at the end of the day. This orchard had a small electric pallet mover that they used to make moving a cinch.
Cookie decorating can keep families in your business longer. The longer

Fast “Comfort” food.
Cherry Crest sells peanut butter & jam sandwiches and mac n’ cheese. You could have some fun localizing these to your farm. Make your own jam from your berries and Alberta noodles or cheese in your signature dish.
Lighting makes a world of difference.
Honey looks angelic when lit from behind on the shelf.

You’ll make more money selling pie by the slice or half. The half clam shell package will cost you a bit more so you need to know your costs but selling smaller portions does yield bigger returns.

Enter from the back.
Filling shelves from behind is smart. The oldest product is always out front. This way you don’t have to be in the aisles restocking shelves while customers shop. It’s all done behind the scenes. (Think how milk is sold.)
Take a cooking class and turn it into a birthday party. It’s gaining popularity. Customer service is key! Remember that Mom is the

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Musings from a u-pick field

Yes indeed, summer did finally arrive on the west coast although up here on Vancouver Island it is about 3 weeks late.
Of course the first real sign of that is when the strawberry season begins and after last weekend we are in full swing. Having been a horticultural extension agent all my life it seems many of my friends are in the local farming business and know that I am around and… if they are short staffed, well you know how that goes.
So this weekend there I was grading strawberries, making cartons, unloading trucks and then on Sunday – in charge of the U-pick field which is what led me to write this down.
It was not an overly busy day, thanks to it being Fathers’ Day and a bike race down the road the farm is located on that ran from 8am until after lunch. Customers avoided the road like the plague until late morning. It never ceases to amaze me that these races have to be the first week or so of strawberry season – but I digress as that is a different story.
I was set up with a tent, table, cash box just in front of a row of trees behind which was about an acre of 2nd year Rainier strawberries. I barely had time to get the tally sheets out and in came my first customer who, it turned out had also picked the day before and wanted to get, as he bluntly told me, the last few berries as the field was poor. Hmm, I thought that was not what I had been told but I had not seen the field in a month, so not seeing anyone else around I trotted past the trees to check out this “poor field.”
Actually as I rounded the trees I saw red, even in the first two rows which were weak and obviously over picked. As I walked across the center of the field I saw the best U-pick field I have seen in a few years and began to wonder what on earth this fellow had been talking about. I looked around for him and there he was in the first two rows of the field. I know what you are thinking, but yes I did walk over and tell him if he moved another 10 rows in his containers would be full in 5 minutes but he said he was fine where he was.
Slowly the morning picked up and the cars started coming in. Since I knew I would have some spare time I began multitasking – no, this generation did not invent the term. Farmers have always multitasked – we just had different words for it. Seems to me I can remember being told to quit standing around and make myself useful while I was waiting for something else to happen on a farm chore – that was the invention of multitasking!
In this mode I had a small generator cover that I was going to paint a beautiful Navaho red with oil based paint – very carefully as I did not want to be covered from head to toe as I waited for customers to drive in. On that note it would have been much easier if I could have found a brush that did not look like a toilet boil cleaner – oh well that’s farming.
Over the next hour or so I did manage to do a reasonable job on the paint and had just pushed it behind the table when in came a couple with 2 young children of walking age – 2 and 3, I am guessing. They were a bubbly family and all piled out in search of that special summer treat – fresh strawberries. As mom and I chatted, oblivious to the whereabouts of the children we suddenly summoned by a plaintive “mommy”. As we both turned to look, there was little missy, both hands palms toward us – perfectly painted in Navaho Red!
"Crap", was all I could think – this is not going to be good. But to my surprise mom broke out in laughter and said, “Oh my god, I hope my daughter did not ruin your painting!” She then proceeded to apologize as we frantically tried to get oil based paint off tiny little soft hands with wet tissue. Of course it was also all over her clothes but mom was perfectly happy in that these clothes were for gardening and picking berries and it did not matter. I could have kissed that woman, but then that would also be a different story. All in all by the time they did emerge from the field – mom was correct. It was hard to see the paint amongst the strawberry stains from ear to ear and on most of her little daughter’s sun dress. You know there are customers that renew your faith in the human race!
And then there are the others. Picture a dark BMW SUV, all tinted windows, driving way to fast down the farm dirt road towards me and I just know this one is likely not to be as much fun. There are about 10 cars in a nice row parked down from the table and I wave the SUV towards them but no – the driver wants the space between the table and the first car and proceeds to shoe horn himself into a space meant for a Smart car or skateboard. He then slides out of the car wearing the fancy sunglasses and without apparently really looking at me (hard to tell with the shades) he asks, “Where is the farm?”
Well may be you might have been able to play that one straight but I could not. I replied, “You are standing on it”. The back door then crept open and squinting into the sun emerged a Goth styled and pierced teenager who said his dad wanted to pick some strawberries for Fathers’ Day. And pick they did – 3 lbs and left in another dust cloud.
The small children are really the reason I enjoy the interactions so much and there must have been 20 or so young kids that day and they were all so excited and I had tons of fun with all of them. The parents would bring their containers to be pre-weighed and in some cases they were not significant enough to even record but I would always ask the youngsters if they could get on my little scale.
They would than get very concerned looking and of course the parents would be smiling in the background and I would tell the children I had to weigh them to be certain they did not eat more than 10 lbs of berries. If they did I warned them I would have to either keep them on the farm or make them pay. Of course then I told them I was joking but one little guy actually wanted me to keep him – as long as he could drive the tractor I had parked there – he was about 3 years old.
And finally – it is a small world.
I was just about closing at 2 pm and an older couple walked up (yes, older than me!) and asked if they could pick and also asked if the cedar trees behind me were a maze. Indeed they are I replied and they told me they were related to farmers in Ontario that had quite a few mazes on their farm.I asked if that was Saunders Farm and I could have pushed them both over with a feather at that point. They had no idea that I would know Mark & Angela Saunders and Mark’s parents, Bill & Ann and that I actually had them out in BC speaking to farmers about 15 years ago. So you see this NAFDMA world is indeed very connected.
This article was written by Brent Warner P.Ag., White Loaf Ridge Associate and previously published in the July 2010 NAFDMA Newsletter. For more information on NAFDMA visit www.nafdma.com.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Butcher shop installs vending machine for service 24/7 - Springwise
Are there any applications for farm direct marketers?
Butcher shop installs vending machine for service 24/7 - Springwise
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The 2010 Advanced Learning Retreat at Underwood Farms is only a month away.
This year's tour FEATURES:
School Tours
Pick Your Own Produce Retailing Fall Farm Festivals Succession Cropping
On-Farm Birthday Parties
Selling at Farmers' Markets Marketing and Advertising
Financial Management
Farm Animal Center CSA Programs
It's a busy time in our industry all across the continent.
We kept the focus on developing this as a 4-day, 3-night get-away from the moment you leave home to the time you are back in your own bed.
We wanted to pack that time with productivity and enjoyment. So here's about what it looks like...
Saturday, May 15
You'll jump on a plane (or in a car)
Arrive into Los Angeles International Airport.
Take the 10 minute free shuttle to Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel.
Settle to your beautiful room.
Connect with a few peers for dinner at your own convenience.
Attend registration reception and an opening welcome and presentation at 7:00 p.m.
Mill around until bed time and enjoy your luxury bed for the night.
Sunday, May 16
Have breakfast, check out, board the bus, ride a half hour, fast-paced introductions.
Stop at Hollywood Farmers' Market, see a plethora of California products, enjoy about 100 different local farm vendors, visit the Underwood Family Farms booth, Celebrate the 19th anniversary of Hollywood Farmers' Market, enjoy sights and sounds of Hollywood, see the famed Hollywood sign, do a bit of Hollywood's famous Walk of Fame, and re-board the bus.
Ride to Underwood Family Farms Moorpark location viewing a bit more of Hollywood, Sunset Strip, and beautiful Southern California vistas while learning more about Underwoods' farmers market stream of business as well as their film locations on the farm.
Arrive at the farm and stretch your legs with a self-guided tour of the Animal Center.
Take a guided tour and wagon ride to see every aspect of this location ending with Underwood Family Farm Animal Show. Choose one of 4 different breakout groups on specific areas of interest for 90 minutes of advanced learning. Re-group together for networking and a California style tri-tips BBQ Dinner in the corporate events and picnics area of the farm.
Re-board the bus for a 15-minute ride to Camarillo Marriott Courtyard Hotel, visit by the pool or in the lounge until you must drop horizontally into your plush bed.
Monday, May 17
Have breakfast, check out, board bus, ride 20 minutes to the Somis Farm location to see the retail stand, blueberries and vegetable-washing pad.
Return to Moorpark location for 2 more concurrent sets of small group intensive breakout sessions.
Say goodbye to Moorpark as we drive 15 minutes to Underwood Farms Office complex in Camarillo.
Take in a general session by Suzanna Underwood and Kim Galbraith on marketing and advertising, followed by a Mexican lunch by El Gallo Restaurant.
Tour the office and refrigeration complex and learn about the 1400 acre produce business of Underwood Ranches.
Settle in for an amazing advanced learning hour by Rolf Shoen and Craig Underwood on Underwood Farms sophisticated management systems based on financial management techniques that tell a story of growth, evolution and shifting with the times.
Wrap up the learning time during a gorgeous drive along the Pacific Coast.
Stop at the beach house of John and Stephanie Orr, personal friends of Craig and Sara Jane Underwood, for an informal taco bar and guacamole dinner reception on the waterfront.
After an early evening of seaside enjoyment and visiting we'll board the NAFDMA ALR Express one last time for a California Freeway run back to our original Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel for a beautiful recovery sleep.
Tuesday, May 18
Enjoy breakfast one last time on your own schedule with a few new friends, expand your peer network.
Depart at your convenience as early or as late as you wish.
Safe travels, enjoy the night in your own bed, and enjoy happy dreams about the great new ways your farm and business will be impacted by your visit to NAFDMA's 2010 Advanced Learning Retreat hosted by Underwood Family Farms in Ventura County, California.
The entire package is all-inclusive. $695 per person covers 3 nights hotel (double occupancy), 2 full days of meals plus breakfast on your departure day, all motor coach costs, materials and the rest. You just have to get here. (If you're not able to double your money back from a single idea you got at Underwood Family Farms within the first 6 months after you return home, then please take that up with Russell Blades.)
Complete Printable Registration Packet and Details are now avialable.
BLOCK YOUR DATES: May 15 - 18, 2010; includes your travel time.
LOCATION: Southern California: Plenty of time at Underwood Family Farms in Moorepark and Somis, CA to see festival sites, retail stands, production fields and all the farms have to offer; plus a visit to Hollywood Farmers' Market (yes, Hollywood!) ...see the sights, sounds, Walk of Fame, and shopping sensations of one of the most exciting cultural destinations in North America.
TRAVEL: Fly into Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on May 15 (Please make an effort to arrive by 5:00 p.m.) Depart at your own convenience anytime on May 18. LODGING: Renaissance Los Angeles Airport and Marriott Courtyard Camarillo
BONUS: California Beach Party Monday night, May 17th.
Quick Links
Underwood Family Farms
Renaissance Hotel LAX
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Re broadcasting of "A Goal without a Plan" from NAFDMA 2010 convention
Thursday April 8, 2010 at 8PM EST.
Hugh had good feedback from the 26(!) of you who joined him two weeks ago but there were some folks who missed the broadcast, so Hugh is going to do another live event and record it for later viewing.
UStream Link:"A Goal Without A Plan" on uStream
The seminar is FREE to attend, please reply by clicking the RSVP link on the uStream page.
Learn more about the material and download your handouts ahead at: A Goal Without A Plan Is A Wish - An educational session, blog, and resources created by Hugh McPherson for the NAFDMA convention 2010.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Missed Hugh's session in Lancaster! Fear not. You can take it online this Wednesday!
Hugh is choosing uStream as his media provider.
Please check your links, get a login, etc. long before start time to eliminate connection hassles.
It is his first time and even with testing there might be hiccups, so bear with him.
UStream Link:"A Goal Without A Plan" on uStream
After you click the link, scroll down and click "RSVP" for the event.
As many of you know, the presentation was canceled due to Hugh being snowed in during the convention. Now he's expanding the reach of the seminar to everyone using live Internet broadcasting.
The seminar is FREE to attend, please reply hughmc@cornmaze.com if you are interested in attending so Hugh can choose the right media provider to allow all attendees to view the program.
Learn more about the material and download your handouts ahead at: A Goal Without A Plan Is A Wish - An educational session, blog, and resources created by Hugh McPherson for the NAFDMA convention 2010. http://mazemaster.cornmaze.com/goalwithoutaplan/default.aspx
Thursday, March 4, 2010
How to promote your event online, part 2 — Facebook - Eventbrite Blog
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Touring Lancaster County - Day one

Sure it snowed but nothing keeps NAFDMA people down.

Of course it snowed. NAFDMA was in town!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
NAFDMA Convention speaker post session info on his blog
HUGH MCPHERSON session at this year's convention is entitled, A goal without a plan is a wish.
For those of you that have met Hugh you can attest to the fact that he isn't a boring speaker. He is in fact an amazing communicator.
As communicator's go, he's also quick to pick up on the latest technology. Hugh has created a blog to accompany his session.
"We have invested in two tools in making sure the presentation applies to you. The Session blog is a place for you to interact with the information, questions, and other readers answers. The Handouts & Homework are posted RIGHT NOW so you don't have to wait for the conference
Visit Hugh's Session Blog at http:/ /mazemaster.cornmaze.com /goalwithoutaplan
He also recommends downloading the Handout & Homework , completing the homework questions and then post your answers back to the Blog to get the discussion going.
Goal-setting is pivotal to every operation.
"I think this topic was chosen for a session because we all want to get better at bringing our ideas to fruition. With your help, this can be a great opportunity for you to leave armed with useful tools. I promise," shares Hugh. "I will check and respond to comments and postings on the blog site. I will also use your feedback to finalize the presentation itself, thus tailoring it specifically for you. And, I do hereby and solemnly swear to not be boring:-) "
Don't forget, there is still time to register! http://www.nafdma.com/