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Friday, June 19, 2009

iPhone Application directs users to nearest Farmers' Market

I just stumbled across a new iphone application called Locavore.  It is currently only available in the US. It's goal is to help it's user know what food is in season. 

Anyone with and iPhone or iPod Touch can download the application and have access to a database of in-season, food products in their backyard.

"Knowing what's available in your area at a given time of year is often difficult to determine, so we've taken on the task of collecting data from a variety of sources and presenting it all in the most understandable ways, " states the description on iTunes. 

If you're interested in finding it,  search "locavore" in the iTunes store. 

Would it be helpful for farm direct marketers to promote this to their customers?
Has anyone tried it? Leave us a comment if you have. 

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